Tuesday, June 17, 2008


R/T started her agility lessons this morning. It was in the low 60's with a slight breeze; perfect agility weather. Unfortunately, R/T is on the timid side (read never socialized as a puppy, but that's a different story) and didn't want to go near any obstacles. She did get along well with the instructor's dogs... We started out slowly with her favorite tennis ball tug and let R/T get comfortable with the jumps before asking her to do anything. When she finally jumped a low jump with no concerns, we moved on to the tire jump (set low), then a 2nd tire, then back to a regular low jump. When we moved to the tunnel, she was very shy about it so we just encouraged her to come close but didn't force her through it. She did well on the table--finally jumping on and offering a sit and then waiting for an OK before leaving.
We did a few more jumps, then called it a good lesson and quit for the day. We'll be back next week for more but in the meantime our homework is to get comfortable with the tunnel and practice table, tire and single jumps.

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